
eggplant spacing Learn more about eggplant spacing

  • Plant spacing and row spacing of eggplant

    Plant spacing and row spacing of eggplant

    The plant spacing of eggplant is generally 40-45 cm, row spacing 60-65 cm, planting 2500-2700 plants per mu, or 35-40 cm, 65-70 cm, 2800-3000 plants per mu. If the seedlings are divided at the seedling stage and at the stage of two true leaves, the row spacing is 88 cm, which can also be selected.

    2020-11-09 Eggplant plant spacing and row spacing eggplant spacing general yes
  • How to grow eggplant and how far away it is?

    How to grow eggplant and how far away it is?

    Sowing time: from July to August in Hunan and from December to February in North China. Timely planting: the suitable planting row spacing is 50 cm and the plant spacing is 40 cm. Temperature management: the suitable temperature is 25-30 ℃ in daytime and 15-20 ℃ at night. Light management

    2020-11-08 Eggplant how planting method many long distance one abstract
  • Cultivation of eggplant in greenhouse

    Cultivation of eggplant in greenhouse

    L, select long eggplant varieties such as Jiga No. 1 (middle and late maturity), Longqie No. 1 (early maturity) and so on. 2. Cultivate strong seedlings for sowing in August and planting in September. Before sowing, soak the seeds with 0.2% potassium permanganate solution for 15 minutes. After repeated washing, use 55-60 ℃ warm water.

    2020-11-08 Greenhouse eggplant planting cultivation variety selection
  • Points for attention in dividing eggplant seedlings

    Points for attention in dividing eggplant seedlings

    Points for attention in dividing eggplant seedlings

  • High yield and benefit of eggplant High yield cultivation techniques of Summer eggplant

    High yield and benefit of eggplant High yield cultivation techniques of Summer eggplant

    High yield and benefit of eggplant High yield cultivation techniques of Summer eggplant

  • What do you need to pay attention to when planting eggplant in spring? Farmers must see it when planting eggplant.

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting eggplant in spring? Farmers must see it when planting eggplant.

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting eggplant in spring? Farmers must see it when planting eggplant.

  • Eggplant planting: video pictures of eggplant cultivation techniques

    Eggplant planting: video pictures of eggplant cultivation techniques

    Eggplant is a typical vegetable, which can be used in various ways according to different varieties. Eggplant is of high value for the rehabilitation of diseases, and the optimum temperature for eggplant growth is 20 ℃ and 30 min, which can be planted all the year round in the south. Therefore, the farming network has sorted out the eggplant planting technology and video, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference.

  • Planting technique of eggplant in greenhouse

    Planting technique of eggplant in greenhouse

    Eggplant is a common vegetable in daily life, not only can be cooked, but also can do barbecue, very popular with people, the most important is the price is very close to the people, so the planting prospect is still good, what are the greenhouse eggplant planting techniques? 1. Land selection, land preparation, greenhouse planting land

    2020-11-08 Greenhouse eggplant planting technology yes life medium common
  • Jifeng No. 3 eggplant

    Jifeng No. 3 eggplant

    Variety source: Jinan City, Shandong Province vegetable Science Research Institute characteristics: tolerance to weak light cultivation varieties, unlimited growth, cultivation performance growth is exuberant. The fruit is oval. The fruit color is dark purple, glossy, single fruit weight 750g, middle and late maturity, is a special variety for protected cultivation. The purple color in the calyx of eggplant fruit is characterized by strong disease resistance (Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt), open leaves, large leaves, good commerciality of fruit, stable fruit type and resistance to storage and transportation. Key points of cultivation: grafted production. The seedling age of winter cultivation is 70-80 days.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of eggplant in early spring in open field

    High-yield cultivation techniques of eggplant in early spring in open field

    The main results are as follows: 1. Varieties with good commerciality, strong cold resistance and disease resistance, high and stable yield, tolerance to weak light, suitable for close planting and good quality, such as Hangge No.1, Yinge No.1 and so on. 2. Seedling raising and cultivation methods: eggplant in open field generally uses improved Yang border electric hotline to raise seedlings, sowing and raising seedlings in mid-late January and April.

  • Key points of eggplant cultivation techniques

    Key points of eggplant cultivation techniques

    Verticillium wilt 1 symptom recognition 1.1 Verticillium wilt eggplant Verticillium wilt can occur in all growth stages, but the disease is the most serious in the fruiting period, and the disease develops from bottom to top or from one side to the whole plant. In the early stage of the disease, the lower leaves turned yellow and gradually developed to the whole leaf. The early diseased leaves wilted during the day and recovered sooner or later.

  • Early ripening cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    Early ripening cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    Seed selection and seedling cultivation: eggplant varieties with early maturity, high yield, disease resistance and high quality should be selected for eggplant cultivation in early spring. Such as Zhoukou crooked rough, Xinxiang rough green eggplant. These two varieties generally have 7 leaves and are suitable for close planting. The seedlings are raised by hot wire in the greenhouse. The seedlings are 90-100 days old and have 7-8 leaves. They are best planted in big buds. Miao.

  • Pollution-free production and cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    Pollution-free production and cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    1. Pollution-free cultivation technique of eggplant in early spring in greenhouse the eggplant was cultivated in early December in Bozhou area and planted in spring early greenhouse in mid-February. 1.1 the climatic characteristics of selecting excellent disease-resistant varieties are as follows: weak light, low temperature, temperature and light after planting.

  • How to cultivate eggplant in greenhouse to mature prematurely

    How to cultivate eggplant in greenhouse to mature prematurely

    Eggplant, also known as eggplant, also known as Luosu, is one of the few purple vegetables, and it is also a very common household vegetable on the table. In some areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, people are called Luosu, and people in Liangguang are called dwarf melons, which are annual herbs of Solanaceae and perennials in the tropics.

    2020-11-08 Eggplant greenhouse how cultivation but early ripening eggplant also known as eggplant
  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of Alpine eggplant covered with plastic Film in South China

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Alpine eggplant covered with plastic Film in South China

    High-yield cultivation techniques of film mulching in southern alpine eggplant 1 when selecting varieties, we should first choose those with high quality, good commodity and disease resistance. in addition, we should also consider the specific conditions of the place, so we should mainly choose Xianfeng No. 1 and Hongfu No. 2. 2...

  • Yangge No.1

    Yangge No.1

    Yangge No. 1 is a precocious hybrid purple eggplant bred by Yangzhou vegetable Research Institute and other units. Since it has been popularized in Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui and other places, it has been deeply loved by the majority of users because of its early maturity, high output, good commodity and other advantages. The variety has a compact plant type, about 55 cm in development, 90 cm in height, short internodes, 10-leaf flowering and fruit setting, high fruit setting rate at low temperature, and suitable for early ripening and close planting. There are 12-13 fruits per plant, and as many as 18-20. The fruit is 35-40 cm long, 4.5 cm in horizontal diameter, dark purple in eggplant color.

  • High-yield planting techniques of eggplant!

    High-yield planting techniques of eggplant!

    1. The introduction of good varieties is a prerequisite for obtaining higher economic benefits, and the selection of improved varieties is an economical and effective means to prevent diseases and control pests. It is more suitable for me at the moment.

  • Key points of eggplant cultivation in Crown King

    Key points of eggplant cultivation in Crown King

    The characteristics of Guanwang No. 1: medium maturity, strong growth potential, plant height of about 75 cm, good plant upright. Heat resistance, strong disease resistance, wide adaptability, strong fruiting power, fruit length about 40cm, rough 2.5cm, peel purple bright, smooth thin soft, white flesh, good quality. Cultivation points: 1, local climatic conditions and.

  • Eggplant seedlings can resist several degrees below zero.

    Eggplant seedlings can resist several degrees below zero.

    Eggplant seedlings are high-temperature-loving plants that cannot survive a few degrees below zero. Generally speaking, the suitable temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees, and the development period of seedlings is 25-30 degrees during the day and 15-20 degrees at night. If the temperature is less than 15 degrees, the eggplant seedlings will grow slowly, and the eggplant seedlings will not survive below 0 degrees.

    2020-11-09 Eggplant Miaoneng resistance sub-zero several degrees eggplant seedling yes hi high temperature
  • White silk disease caused eggplant wilt and death, how to control eggplant white silk disease

    White silk disease caused eggplant wilt and death, how to control eggplant white silk disease

    White silk disease caused eggplant wilt and death, how to control eggplant white silk disease
